Utsubora 2 simple

drame romance Suspense

Young author Aki Fujino appeared poised to making it big in the world of publishing. Her debut title UTSUBORA was being pitched about to a number of editors and at least one person felt it was set to propel her into stardom. However, before she could ever have her book published, the young woman was found dead. Some believe it was a suicide, but those close to her feel there is something more sinister involved in this young talent's death.

Aki's death has become something straight out of a mystery. Much like the story behind UTSUBORA, there is something more to Aki, Sakura and their relationship with an author named Mizorogi than meets the eye. And it is possible that the only way to solve this mystery may be to uncover all their secrets.

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Utsubora T.2

Utsubora T.2 Staff


Chef d'oeuvre annoncé, chef d'oeuvre confirmé avec un second tome à nouveau magistral où l'autrice fait preuve de virtuosité aussi bien dans le propos, la narration que la mise en scène. Pépite !Etant archi fan du style graphique d'Asumiko Nakamura, je ne suis peut-être pas la juge la plus impartiale, mais la dame est vraiment une virtuose pour moi de la mise en scène avec son style rempli de flui...

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