Batman - The Killing Joke - The killing joke TPB Softcover (souple)

horreur drame Comics / Super Heros Polar/thriller

One of the most famous Batman stories of all time is offered for the first time in hardcover in this special twentieth-anniversary edition.
This is the unforgettable that forever changed Batman's world, adding a new element of darkness with its unflinching portrayal of The Joker's twisted psyche.

Writer Alan Moore, acclaimed author of WATCHMEN and V FOR VENDETTA, offers his take on the disturbing relationship between The Dark Knight and his greatest foe. The Clown Prince of Crime has never been more ruthless than in this brutal tale

Batman - The Killing Joke 1 - The killing joke
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Batman - The Killing Joke

Batman - The Killing Joke Staff


Reniée par son auteur (Alan Moore est un scénariste de génie, mais il raconte aussi beaucoup de conne...bêtises), controversée par certains aspects (le sort réservé à Batgirl...), The Killing Joke demeure à mon avis l'une des histoires les plus importantes écrites sur le Joker et sa relation avec le Chevalier Noir. Dans une interview donnée il y a plusieurs années, Alan Moore disait que, selon lui...

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